Sermons/Bible Classes

Sermons/Bible Classes

Displaying 151 - 175 of 454

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/30/23 Hypocritical Faith Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun AM
07/23/23 Bible Authority- Is there a Word from the Lord? Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun AM
07/23/23 Bible Authority James Pugh Sermon N/A Sun PM
07/16/23 By Any Means Necessary Chad Kennedy Sermon N/A Sun PM
07/16/23 King Jehoshaphat Lee Hargett Sermon Give Us A King Sun AM
07/09/23 David, Absalom, and Amnon Adam Gamble Sermon N/A Sun PM
07/09/23 King Asa Lee Hargett Sermon Give Us A King Sun AM
07/02/23 Give Us A King - King Solomon Lee Hargett Sermon Give Us A King Sun AM
06/25/23 Who is "My" Shepherd Chad Kennedy Sermon N/A Sun AM
06/25/23 What Excites Us? Chad Kennedy Sermon N/A Sun PM
06/18/23 A Father's Triangle Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun AM
06/18/23 Give Us a King Lee Hargett Sermon Give Us A King Sun PM
06/11/23 The church at Sardis Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun AM
06/11/23 Cleansing the Temple Terrell Harris Sermon N/A Sun PM
06/04/23 The Accuser Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun AM
06/04/23 Happiness JoJo Bates Sermon N/A Sun PM
05/28/23 Which Thief Are You? Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun AM
05/21/23 Cravings and Contentment Ty Randolph Sermon N/A Sun AM
05/21/23 Ezekiel 8 - The Corruption of Israel Kyle Ellison Sermon N/A Sun AM
05/14/23 Kindness Applied D Howard Sermon N/A Sun AM
05/14/23 Mary, Mother of Jesus Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun PM
05/07/23 Church at Philippi - Be of One Mind Bill Hall Sermon N/A Sun AM
05/07/23 The Kingdom of God Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun PM
04/30/23 You Shall Not Covet Lee Hargett Sermon Lesson's from the Ten Commandments Sun AM
04/23/23 The Dwelling and Leading of the Holy Spirit Lee Hargett Sermon N/A Sun AM

Displaying 151 - 175 of 454

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